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Solució de rectificat de doble disc de placa d'engranatges de transmissió

Temps: 2022-04-15 Accessos : 23

Solució de rectificat de doble disc de placa d'engranatges de transmissió

Transmission gears often operate at high speeds, high loads, and alternating speeds and loads. In addition to the normal wear and tear of the gears, the quality of the lubricating oil, poor lubricating conditions, improper driving operations, and improper gnawing positions of the gear muntatges during maintenance will also cause gear impact, poor gnawing of gear teeth, and començament jitter. etc., will accelerate the wear and damage of gears. Gears rely on their own structural dimensions and material strength to withstand external loads, which requires materials per have high strength, toughness and wear resistance; due to the complex shape of the gears the alt precision requirements of the gears, and the good manufacturability of materials. El comú material of transmission gear is forged steel.

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